27 April 2008



Syariah in Islamic contect are what Allah and Rasulullah Muhammad asked to do by moslem that stated in the Holy Qur'an and Sunnah, in order to obtain the best live now and afterwards.
There are three domains of syariah. First domain is the universal syariah that recognize by every human beeing such as freedom, justice, brotherhood, saving onvironment. helping each other etc. The second domain, is what recognized only by moslem as rukun Islam and rukun iman, and the third domain is recognized only by a certain parts of moslem society.
Syariah Based Manufacturing Industry (SBMI) adopt the first domain of syariah, we call universal syariah, to fulfill Islam function as "rahmatan lil 'alamin"
SBMI put the welfare of mankind as a single objective, based on the function of kalifatullah fil ard.
The obyective translated into excellent service toward the society by evenly distributed of income by profit sharing scheme between empyoyees and employer, evenly distributed the opportunity to do business through the sub-contracting scheme, and evenly distributed opportunity to own the share of the company, by restricting domination of majority in ownership of the company.
To fulfill the best service to the society, industry should increase the quality of product by putting down the defect of product up to zero defect, putting down the cost of production by for instsnce sub-contracting scheme, just in time delivery and after sales service of the product. The competence of industry should be upgraded by everlasting improvement.
All this activities should be regarded as jihad activity.
The obyective also should be translated to save the invironment, that based on tjhe function of khalifatullah fil ard

Manufacturing industry is the new way of production introduced during industrial revolution movement, developed by US American entrepreneurs to replace the handicraft way of production.
Handicraft way of production mostly depends on personal skill, so the entry to this kind of production way become restricted. Handicraft main consideration to enter the production based on besides the personal skill also on the raw material and not bansed on market needs. That is why the handicraft products facing difficulty in the market.

In its early beginning, industrial revolution introduced the benefitting machine to do the work and people just manage the process.
People cannot fly but the machine created by people, what we call aeroplane, makes hundreds of people fly. This the proof of how powerfull the machine compared to human beeing, and it also as a proof how powerfull the manufacturing way compared to handicraft way.
The manufacturing process in production, discript the product into components, and production process start from producing components with a high precission measures. This discripton, make the production process easier, due to the fact that producing components are easier than producing the end product. Preoducing component could be done by common people by using jigs and fixtures to obtain the precission in big quantity, make the assembling prosess to build the end product would be smoothly done. That is why the capacity of manufacturing producton way, could be freeky increased fulfilling the market needs.
The skill of discriptioning the product into components derived the new skill to build a new product by combin ing several function of products to obtain higher value added one, This kind of skill skill allow people to produce a new product that could fulfill the market needs, such as cars, television sets, even the outerspace vehicle.
The progress in production, yielding bigger margin, and bigger margin, enable to develop the higher technological ability, and th is higher technological ability, make progress in production again, and the process goes on and on and on again.

Why manufacturing?

The difference between handicraft and manufacturing, lais on the acces of entry to the industry. In handicraft the entry to the job restricted by high qualification of craftmanship, while in manufacturing no hihg craftmanship needed. Worker in manufacturing just follow the instruction stated in the system of production, allow more common people to join the work.

The latest movement on industrial revolution is the changing of capitalistic system to a more humanistic system in industry, pioneered by Japanese industry after The Second World War.
Japan industry changed the western philosophy of materialism to humanity as a eastern philosophy. This change in philosophy produced new approaches in industrial management.
First they changed the Labour- Managemet Relationships (LMR). In capilistic system, there are a antagonistic interest between labour and management, where the management press the income of labour seeking the lower cost of production, while the labour want higher pay. This antagonistic situation not only consume a lot of energy to maintain, but also creates a demotivation for labour to support the company success.
Japan industry changed this antagonistic relationship into synergic relationship between labour and management, where the management and labour hand in hand in full motivated situation to fight for company success. A certain part of margin are ditributed to the worker according to agreement between labour and management. The margin share received by labour as a yearly bonus. In evenly distributed income also they develop the wage scheme that the ratio between the higher rangking and the lowest one cannot exceed a certain figure.
Secondly they evenly distributed the opportunity to do the job by sub-contractor scheme, and the third is preventing the domination of majority in ownership.

Syariah Based Manufacturing Industry, SBMI, is an idustrial doctrine, bench marking Japanese way of coducting their industry, based on universal syariah.

1 komentar:

fety ilma rahmillah mengatakan...

Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb.
My name is fety.I'm really interesting with this topic. Could you please to send me all information about IMBS to my email(fety_rahmillah@yahoo.com)? either in indonesia or english, it is okay. Thank you very much.
Wassalamu'alaikum wr. wb.